Let yourself be drawn
by photos to the present moment.
Friends of travel - documentary, and art photography,
You are very welcome to enjoy the photo gallery (for sale) of traveler, director, and photographer Mike Satori. Photographies are from different islands, including beautiful and wild Marquesas, but also other attractive countries for travel lovers such as - Peru, Slovakia, Bolivia, Vanuatu Islands or New Zealand.
Slovak language.
Priatelia cestovateľskej, dokumentárnej a umeleckej fotografie. Dávame do pozornosti predajnú galériu vytvorenú cestovateľom, fotografom a režisérom Mike Satorim. Postupne budú pribúdať stále novšie a novšie kúsky aj z ďalších krásnych a pútavých miest, medzi ktoré rozhodne patria divoké Markézske ostrovy, ale aj iné krajiny ako Peru, Bolívia, ostrovy Vanutu, Nový Zéland, ale aj jeho rodné Slovensko.
Journey to NowHere is a special photo collection with a special meaning for me. From the time, when I started to be inspired mainly by the power of presence. By the uniqueness of every moment. When I realized that every moment in our lives is so unique inevitable, and unrepeatable, as photography itself."

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